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Centralized Registration

Heather Boulanger

Centralized Registration Secretary

860-283-3030 x14311

| Registration Information for Preschool through Grade 12

Registration is a two-part process. Step 1 proves your child is a resident of Thomaston, Connecticut. Step 2 enrolls your child in school.
This registration process and its forms are for all new students to Thomaston, including those enrolling in magnet schools.

IMPORTANT NOTE: 2024-2025 Preschool registration is closed (all classes are full).
If you are interested in registering your child for preschool in 2025-2026, the registration process will be reopened in early 2025.

| STEP 1

The first step in the registration process is completing the Thomaston Public Schools Pre-Registration Form. This is form is required to register your child/children for enrollment in Thomaston Public Schools.  Please complete the form accurately.

The online
Thomaston Public Schools Pre-Registration Form must be completed by a custodial parent/guardian and approved before enrollment.  Once the parent/guardian completes the Thomaston Public Schools Pre-Registration Formthe Centralized Registration Secretary will contact with the parent/guardian via email.

Required residency documents: 

  • Your Child's Birth Certificate
  •  A valid driver's license, passport or military photo ID must be presented in person at the registration appointment; and
  •  Required Residency Documents listed below:
  • One (1) item from Category A, 
  • One (1) item from Category B*,
  • One (1) item from Category C. 

  • Category A


    • Mortgage statement**
    • Lease/rental agreement - must list student's name as resident, be unexpired signed by lessor/lessee and dated
    • Property deed if no mortgage statement available**
    • Notarized landlord or homeowner letter acknowledging parent/guardian's and student's current residence if no lease exists, lease is expired or lease is weekly or month-to-month --must list student's name as resident, be unexpired signed by lessor/lessee and dated
  • Category B


    • Electricity bill
    • Natural Gas bill
    • Telephone (landline only) bill
    • Cable or Satellite bill
    • Water bill
  • Category C


    • Unexpired automobile registration
    • Voter registration
    • Automobile insurance declaration page
    • Homeowner's insurance declaration page
    • Payroll stub
    • Bank statement or credit card statement
    • Court document with court signature/stamp
    • Letter from any government agency
    • W-2 Form
    • Automobile tax bill
    • Property tax bill

*If unable to provide one item from Category B, then you must provide two (2) items from Category C.

**Additional Information that may be required, such as but not limited to:

Residency Affidavit Forms:

  • Residency Affidavit of Parent/Guardian Form A (TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT/GUARDIAN) If student residing with ONE Parent/Guardian or BOTH Parents/Guardians
  • Residency Affidavit of Parent/Guardian Form B*** (TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT/GUARDIAN) If parent cannot provide proof of residency because their living arrangement is not through a lease, mortgage, or property title and the student is residing with the parent in the home of a non-parent Thomaston Resident --OR-- If the student is not residing with the parent and living with a non-parent Thomaston Resident 
  • Residency Affidavit of Thomaston Resident Form C*** (TO BE COMPLETED BY NON-PARENT/GUARDIAN THOMASTON RESIDENT) If parent cannot provide proof of residency because their living arrangement is not through a lease, mortgage or property title and the student is residing with the parent in the home of a non-parent Thomaston Resident -- OR -- If the student is not residing with the parent and living with a non-parent Thomaston Resident

***Whenever Form B and Form C are used, proof of residency is required from the non-parent/guardian who is the Thomaston Resident.

| STEP 2

Once your submitted form is reviewed, the Centralized Registration Secretary will contact you for a Registration Appointment. You will need to bring the information below with you to that appointment along with anything else the Centralized Registration Secretary requests.

What you will need for your registration appointment

For All New Students: 

Additional Information by Circumstance:

| Connecticut Public School Choice Information

Thomaston Public Schools offers excellent academic, social, athletic and club opportunities for students. However, some students have a specific interest that may be served through the public school choice system. The links below provide you with full access to information on Connecticut's public school choice system. If you have questions about Connecticut's public school choice system, please contact:  Parent Information Center, Connecticut State Department of Education, Regional School Choice Office (RSCO), 450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite P28, Hartford, CT 06103-1841; Email: rsco.sde@ct.gov; Phone: 860-713-6990.

Sec. 10-220d. Student recruitment by regional and interdistrict specialized schools and programs. Recruitment of athletes prohibited. Each local and regional board of education shall provide full access to regional vocational-technical schools, regional agricultural science and technology education centers, interdistrict magnet schools, charter schools and interdistrict student attendance programs for the recruitment of students attending the schools under the board's jurisdiction, provided such recruitment is not for the purpose of interscholastic athletic competition. Sec. 10-220d. Student recruitment by regional and interdistrict specialized schools and programs. Recruitment of athletes prohibited. Each local and regional board of education shall provide full access to regional vocational-technical schools, regional agricultural science and technology education centers, interdistrict magnet schools, charter schools and interdistrict student attendance programs for the recruitment of students attending the schools under the board's jurisdiction, provided such recruitment is not for the purpose of interscholastic athletic competition.

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